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来源:本站原创    发布时间:2009-10-19









Day 1 (23 Jan 2010)



2:30pm – 2:40pm

Opening Ceremony

2:40pm – 2:50pm

Welcome Speech by Conference Chairperson

2:50pm – 3:00pm

Opening Remarks: Dr. PY Lam

3:00pm – 3:40pm

Theme 1: A record for all citizens - building the HK-wide eHR by Dr. NT Cheung

3:40pm – 4:10pm

Break, Poster and Exhibition

4:10pm – 4:50pm

Theme 2: Current Development of Pharmaceutical Care Services in public hospitals ofChinaby Mr. Zhao Zhigang.

4:50pm – 5:30pm

Theme 3: The Detective in the Drug Saga by Dr. Yuen Kwok Yung

6:30pm – 10:00pm

Conference Dinner

Day 2 (24 Jan 2010)


8:00 am


Concurrent session





Medication Reconciliation & Informatics

Quality Assurance

Integrative Medicine

8:30am – 9:10am



Ia. Medication Reconciliation – Patient Safety Solution by Dr. Adam Bursua and Dr. Vicki Groo


IIa.  Emerging new roles of Certified Specialist Pharmacists in Pharmacovigilance in the Hong Kong Setting by Iris Chang, President, Practising Pharmacist Association of Hong Kong

IIIa.  Multidisciplinary Approach to Herbs-induced Liver Injury Network by Dr. Chau Tai Nin, Associate Consultant, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, United Christian Hospital

9:10am – 9:50am

Ib. Clinical Pharmacy Service - Medication Reconciliation: What have we done and our way forward? By Ritchie Kwok, Pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy, Queen Mary Hospital

IIb.  Microbial Quality Assurance of Pharmaceutical Products by Dr Cheung Hon Yeung

IIIb.  TCM in Childhood Eczema by Prof. Ellis Hon,  Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Division of Pediatrics, CUHK 

9:50am – 10:30am

Ic. How informatics impact on medication reconciliation? By Ms. Jessica Wong, Chief Pharmacist’s Office

IIc.  Quality Medicines and GMP by Mr. Steve Williams, Director / Senior GMP Consultant/Training Director, SeerPharma Pty Ltd, (Australia) 

IIIc.  Interactions of Herbal Medicines with Anticancer Agents by Prof. George Leung, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, HKU

10:30am – 11:00am

Break, Poster and Exhibition

11:00am – 11:40am



Id.  What is IT doing for us in patient care ? by Ms. Chiang, Senior Pharmacist, Chief Pharmacy Office, Hosptial Authority

IId.  The Review Committee of Regulation of Pharmaceutical Products in Hong Kong – Recommendations & Way Forward by Dr. Gloria Tam and panelists from the Review Committee



IIId.  Community Pharmacy Initiatives: Quality Assurance Programme by Mr. Philip Chiu, Senior Pharmacist, Manning 

11:40am – 12:20pm

Ie.  Pharmacy Automation - reducing medication errors and improving efficiency – Singapore Experience by Mr Wu Tuck Seng, National University Hospital of Singapore

IIIe.  Meeting the challenges of Chinese medicine development by Dr. Edmund Lee

Executive Director, HK Jockey Club Institute of chinese Medicine

12:20pm – 2:15pm

Lunch + Symposium + Mulitmedia Show

2:15pm – 2:45pm

If.  Six Sigma in a Flash:  How will Six Sigma affect you as a pharmacist?  By Dannie Yung

IId.  One country, two systems" in the pharmacy profession: experience sharing by a HK pharmacist practising in Shanghai by Kitty Law

IIIf.  Supportive Cancer Care with Chinese Medicine –Could it be a safe and effective alternative? by Dr. William Cho, Scientific Officer, Department of Oncology, Hospital Authority


2:45pm – 3:15pm

IIe.  Student Debate: “Should Pharmacist be on duty for ALL opening hours of Pharmacy?”  


IIIg.  Clinical update on Breast Cancer by Prof. Janice Tsang, Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Oncology, HKU


3:15pm – 3:45pm

IIIh.  Clincal update on Colon Cancer by Prof. Daniel Chua, Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Oncology, HKU

3:45pm – 4:15pm

Ig. Safer OTC drug use, safer community by Lai Sze Man Jeannie and So Man Chun, Kelvin

IIIi.  The role of clinical pharmacist in clinical oncology unit  by Mr. Elton YT Yip, Pricess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong

4:15pm – 4:45pm

Ih.  Pharmaceutical Care for the Elderly by by Mr. Billy Chung, Chief Operating Officer, The Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Care Foundation, Mr. So Yiu Wah, President, The Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Dr. Anna Yung PhD, Senior Visiting Pharmacist Officer, The Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Care Foundation 







3.只参加 第1日听课,HK$400/人;只参加第2(包括第2日的早餐及午餐)HK$550/人;只参加第1日听课及第2(包括第2日的早餐及午餐) HK$800/人(121日前注册HK$600/人);只参加晚宴,HK$800/

4.持有香港药剂学术年会2008年所发出的有效“C U Next Year Coupon”于会场进行注册, 可以换取港币一百元现金。

5.代表报到时间:2010123日﹝星期六﹞13:00 – 1430

2010124﹝星期日﹞8:00 – 9:00


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